

Business Technology Blog

Baton Rouge Managed Services: 3 Data Security Tips

Apr 4, 2016 9:30:00 AM / by AtlasOne

Did you know that 3.5 new cyber threats are created every second?  According to a study done by, the amount of dangers lurking for small to medium sized businesses is growing exponentially.  Based on this startling trend it has never been more important for SMBs to have a firm grasp on their network and data security. 

Baton Rouge Managed Services: 3 Data Security Tips

The truth is, while the goal should be to have a comprehensive and evolving security plan, with a few simple steps and the right guidance, you can protect your business, customers, and clients.  With new threats presenting themselves daily, business owners don’t have the time to keep up with them all.  This is where a managed IT services partner comes in.  AtlasOne Technologies has certified engineers that work across a variety of platforms and years of experience in helping small to medium sized business owners in wide scope of industries. 

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Written by AtlasOne

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